Approved Audits


Get an AI-based smart contract audit to enhance the secureness of your blockchain ecosystem.

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Why Security Audits by Approved?

Essential for Security Assurance

Security audits are essential for ensuring the highest level of security and reliability in blockchain projects, mitigating risks of vulnerabilities and enhancing overall project integrity.

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Cutting-Edge Risk Management

The insights gained from Approved's audit empowered us to implement advanced risk management strategies, safeguarding our assets and data.

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Investor Trust Boost

Audits by Approved repeatedly and markedly increased investor confidence in a number of cases, which showed a significant rise in funding activity and stakeholder engagement.

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Operational Efficiency

Our collaboration with Approved streamlined our security processes, enhancing overall operational efficiency and productivity.

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Compliance Assurance

Approved's comprehensive audit ensured our full compliance with evolving Web3 regulations, positioning us as a leader in regulatory adherence.

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Market Credibility

The security certification from Approved post-audit has elevated our market credibility, opening doors to new partnerships and opportunities.

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Protected clients


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Top-class developers

& auditors

$15.2 mln


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Chance to get listed fast

Due to rich experience in the Web3 space, the «Approved» auditing company has strong relationships with all major crypto exchanges. 
We know exchange requirements and audits provided by Approved will give you a chance to get listed fast and without obstacle.

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Approved using own AI automated security checking

Why Security Audits by Approved?

Proven Web3

Security Expertise

Deep blockchain understanding ensures thorough, effective audits essential for projects in this space.

Customized Auditing


Personalized strategies for relevant and impactful security enhancements, tailored to specific project needs.

Comprehensive Risk


Detailed reports with actionable insights and recommendations to substantially improve security stack beyond the audit.

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How It Works?

Approved provides smart contracts audits using our own AI automated security checking

This means you’ll get an audit fast and at an affordable price

Standard Security Smart Contract Audit is the check for the operability of smart contract, smart contract overview, testing for common vulnerabilities in the code or any part of contract operation.

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Approved provides smart contracts audits using our own AI automated security checking

This means you’ll get an audit fast and at an affordable price

Standard Security Smart Contract Audit is the check for the operability of smart contract, smart contract overview, testing for common vulnerabilities in the code or any part of contract operation.

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Audit by Approved

Audits by Approved help projects get listed on crypto exchanges

Most major crypto exchanges have the main requirement to list your project - in the form of a smart contract security audit that has to be provided by a trusted auditing company and to be approved.

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How Do Audits Strengthen the Marketing Positioning of a Project?

Multi-Provider Audit Advantage

Undergoing audits from diverse providers distinctively separates a project in the market, offering a competitive edge among similar ventures. This variety in auditing underscores long-term planning and builds additional trust.

Audit as a Communication Catalyst

A smart contract audit provides a significant opportunity for community engagement, allowing for deeper communication about the project's goals and plans. This transparency fosters a loyal audience and strengthens trust.

Audit News as a Market Resonance

Successfully completing an audit often resonates within the crypto community and can be strategically used to enhance negotiation leverage with strategic investors, highlighting the project's commitment to security and credibility.

What people are saying


What is a Smart Contract Audit?

A smart contract audit is a detailed examination of the code behind blockchain contracts to ensure they are secure, efficient, and error-free. This process involves identifying potential vulnerabilities and providing recommendations for improvement, crucial for young projects aiming to attract public attention and strategic investors.

What are Smart Contract Security Risks?

Security risks in smart contracts include vulnerabilities to hacking, operational flaws, and inefficiencies in the code that can lead to financial loss or compromised data integrity. Regular and comprehensive audits are essential to maintain trust and credibility, especially for emerging projects in the blockchain space.

Why is Smart Contract Audit Important?

Audits are essential to prevent potential exploits and attacks, safeguard investments, and ensure the intended functionality of the contract. They are particularly vital for young projects to establish trust with the public and investors, signaling a commitment to security and stability.

Why Should I Trust Approved?

Approved's expertise in blockchain technology and a track record of successfully auditing various smart contracts make us an ideal partner. Trusting in our services not only increases your project's chances of success but also helps in building industry connections and navigating the complex blockchain landscape.

How Much Does a Smart Contract Audit Cost?

The cost of a smart contract audit varies depending on the complexity and length of the contract. For a precise estimate tailored to your project's needs, consulting with a trusted partner like Approved is recommended. Our goal is to ensure that your investment in an audit contributes significantly to your project's stability and growth.

What is the Duration of a Smart Contract Audit?

The duration of an audit also depends on the complexity of the smart contract. We strive to provide a thorough and timely review, with most audits completed within a few days to a few weeks, ensuring a balance between depth of analysis and efficiency.

Can we implement fixes for the vulnerabilities we have found?

Yes, once vulnerabilities are identified, our team of blockchain developers can help you decide on the best course of action and professionally implement all necessary changes to enhance the security of your smart contract. Partnering with us ensures that these critical steps are handled efficiently and effectively, bolstering your project's security and credibility.


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